Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where are the books?

I have occasionally given some thought to the lack of good books about ZZ Top, either the individual members or the band as a whole. Surely a group that has existed intact for almost 42 years is deserving of some dedication through the written word.

Really I have only found one book, "Sharp Dressed Men" to have a real interpersonal account of the band's beginning through to the ultimate rise to the stratosphere in the early '80's. Unfortunately the author, who was a roadie for the band, resigned after the Eliminator US tour, and, having seemingly provided many years of loyal service, was not encouraged to stay by Messrs Ham and Gibbons.

The only plausible option is to piece together the multitude of magazines from over the years and combine the interviews into a reasonable timeline of the band's position and outlook. This is my no means a cumbersome task, but can prove to be an expensive one. It would truly be nice to have a full exhausted account of the world's longest running trio.

And truly Billy is ripe for an autobiography. Look at the tales from Steven Tyler, Keith Richards and Sammy Hagar - true the subject matter has a favorable spin but it sure would be nice to hear Billy's thoughts besides the usual "same three guys, same three chords" spiel. And I would love just as much to hear Dusty's (I bet that guy has some interesting things to say) or Frank's account - I mean really, advertisement for Frank's book could be sponsored by Tab.

There are a handful of books that were written in the early to mid 1980's, but these were merely meant to capitalize on the group's fame at the moment and are little more than irrelevant fluff. Pity really.

If anyone knows of any good books out there that I am unaware of or that are rare in nature please advise in the comments section accordingly. Thanks!


  1. Good point you have here. I strongly assume that you know of Billy F Gibbons: Rock + Roll Gearhead ( that has been out a few years and features not only biographical issues but lots of pictures of cars, guitars and babes. Highly recommendable!

  2. Hi Thomas! Thank you for the comment - I do have the Gearhead book, which is indeed great. I love the pictures and the narrative. It would be nice though if there was more detail about Billy's, and ZZ Top's, history. But maybe Billy is too private of a person to make an autobiography? I don't know.
