Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Billy F. Gibbons.....Solo?

According to an article on Jungleroom.com, Billy has begun recording tracks for his first solo album. Apparently this will be a collaboration, at least in part, with Jimi Jamison. Billy has apparently layed down basic song structures with Joe Hardy, who many fans will recognize as a longtime studio engineer that has worked with ZZ.

Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say this info is extremely questionable. I have never heard of the website source, which has however apparently been around for 16 years, and don't understand why this site would have first access to a very interesting (if true) rumor. Secondly Jimi Jamison? Never heard of him until just now, and apparently he wrote the theme song to "Baywatch". Really? Why Billy would work with him I have no idea. Black Keys yes, Jimi Jamison...no.

Billy does continue to show up on other people's albums, contributing both vocals and guitar. He seemingly still has a desire to record. Maybe his bandmates aren't interested in putting forth the effort to record? Maybe they can't agree on what sound to go for? I really dont' know, but it must be something that has prevented them from having a new album for so long. I can't really see a lack of effort from the rhythm section - after all they are willing to tour the world for months at a time every year, what's wrong with a few weeks in a studio?

I certainly would be interested in a Billy solo album, but not at the expense of a ZZ Top album. We will have to keep watching this to see if anything develops.

Here is the link to the article:



  1. Not sure if this particular rumor is true but Jimi is a great vocalist and songwriter who has worked with Billy before on ZZ stuff...

  2. Really?! I had no idea. Maybe it will turn out to be something great. Here's hoping.

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  5. You wrote about the Billy Gibbons solo info on jungleroom.com (2/22/2011)--

    (1)"Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say this info is extremely questionable."

    If you didn't even know who Jimi Jamison was (much less his role with ZZ Top--which goes back to the very beginning) then maybe you should do some research before you attack.

    And then you...(2) "don't understand why this site would have first access to a very interesting (if true) rumor."

    It is no "rumor" --it is a fact. Thank-you for the link to jungleroom.com and look for an update on the Billy Gibbons solo project soon as well as "first access" to a lot of other cool info.

    Enjoyed the visit to your site--if there is any way I can help clarify anything please contact
