Friday, March 25, 2016

2016 tour

Well the tour is in full swing. Many updates can be found over on ZZ's Facebook fan page (the unofficial one) however be mindful that the posts are often through rose colored glasses. Criticism of the band is not allowed so it's mostly "the greatest" and "amazing show" and all that stuff.

Here at Antenna Head News I've never really minced words and I plan to continue being candid. Case in point the new set list isn't really what I would call new. They added "Beer Drinkers" as the new opener, took away "Sixteen Tons" and also removed the BarBQue and Sloppy Drunk from "La Grange" (as least at some of the gigs). Its basically the same set list since 2014.

But I can't complain too much. The set list changes in 2012 and 2013 were amazing, so we can always hold out hope that some new and rare stuff will creep its way in.

As always I love to hear comments from others so share what's on your mind. As long as it pertains to ZZ I don't censor...


  1. I understand your concern for the new set list. It can get tiresome I know. I guess the thrill I still get is seeing in their faces how much fun they still seem to have performing together. When I latched on to this band as my favorite way back in 1975 I never would have thought that in 2016 they would still be together much less touring as much as they do. I love how they still come to my area, the southwest, every year. I just bought two tickets to my 52nd ZZ show this morning. Like always I can't wait. Maybe by the time they get to me, October 7, they'll have tweaked it some. Maybe put Just got Paid back in there. I still remember Tuscan Az in 2008 when Dusty busted out It's only Love. Let's keep our fingers crossed

    1. I don't disagree. And catching Its Only Love was great luck! Thank you for commenting!
