Well today is the day. ZZ once again meets spring with a new road show coming to a municipality near you. Thackerville, OK is first up - a casino that they really play pretty often. Must be a good draw for the area. After all what's better than drinking, gambling and ZZ...well I can think of a few things but no matter.
Just for fun I'll play the set list guessing game. First, the wishful thinking set list:
1) Under Pressure
2) Sleeping Bag
3) I Thank You
4) Bus
5) Jesus
6) Nationwide
7) Gotsta Get Paid
8) Ten Foot Pole
9) Fool For Your Stockings
10) New song off rumored upcoming release
11) Ten Dollar Man
12) Chartruese
13) Gimme
14) Sharp
15) Legs
16) Viva
17) Grange
18) Tush
19) Sixteen Tons
and now for reality:
1) Pressure
2) Bus
3) Chicago
4) Pincushion
5) Nationwide
6) Gotsta Get Paid
7) Flyin High
8) X
9) Need You Tonight
10) Sunglasses
11) Foxy
12) Gimme
13) Sharp
14) Legs
15) Tube
16) Grange
17) Tush
Either way you never know...